Voice Lessons & Audition Coaching
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Is This Song a Good Choice?

Picking audition songs can be one of the most difficult things about life in theater. I wanted to provide a little clarity as best as I can! Below is a checklist that you can use to make sure the song you are picking is right, not only for the show, but for you. Ask yourself these 5 things when choosing your next audition piece.

  1. Is this song in my range?

    This one may seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many times people bring in songs that have a note or two that are just a bit (or sometimes WAY) too high or too low, thinking that they are showing off. When in reality, they are making themselves look as though they do not know their own skill set. You can always ask your vocal coach if the song is in your range, or, better yet, write down your range at your next voice lesson! Your range, at least for audition purposes, should be notes that you can sing no matter what, these are your money notes, not notes that you can kind of hit on a good day. Your range can be written in this format: C3-Bb5, for example.

  2. Does this song grab attention right of the start of my cut?

    In most auditions, you are only going to have a small amount of time to show everything you’ve got. You want those auditors impressed and excited about you from the second you open your mouth - or better yet, from the moment you walk in! Check out my post about What NOT to Wear to an Audition to make sure you are putting your best foot forward. No matter what, your song should have them on the edge of their seats the moment it begins. If they have to wait for it to “get good” or be thrilling to listen to, they will tune out…they’ve been sitting there for hours; make it easy for them to call you back.

  3. Does this song tell a story with a clear beginning, middle, and end?

    From an acting standpoint, you want the song, even the cut, to have a clear through line. If the cut is muddy and difficult to understand what’s happening, you are making your job as an actor that much harder. After all, they aren’t just hiring singers, they want a well-rounded performer; they don’t have time to teach you how to act, so show them you can right off the bat.

  4. Do I like singing this song?

    I always recommend choosing a song that you love to sing. Every once in a while a call may ask for a style you don’t enjoy or a specific composer you loathe, but those will hopefully be few and far between. Overall, singing a song YOU like, will make the auditors like it too. It is always obvious when a singer chooses what they think is the “right” song, but actually dread singing it and that really puts the auditors off. Think to the last time you were at an open mic or karaoke and someone was forced to sing a song they don’t like…it’s hard to watch! Showing your best self includes showing yourself happy and having fun.

  5. Is this song in the style that the audition notice called for (or at least pretty close)?

    Most auditions will specify either the genre they are looking for or they will say “Sing a song in the style of the show.” This means that if you do not know the show, it’s time to do some research. If you bring in a Golden Age song for Hamilton, you have shot yourself in the foot right then. Don’t waste the auditors’ time by singing something that is totally wrong for the show. They need to see and hear you in a similar vein, otherwise they will have no clue if you are right for the show and will call back someone who is a for sure fit.

Now, there are a million other things about song choice that I could rant about forever, but this is a quick tool for you to use to be sure you are at least on the right track. I truly believe that if you ask yourself these questions and follow through with a song choice that suits you and the audition, you can’t lose. Unless you don’t prepare! Comment below if you have more advice to add to the list, or if you have any questions about what I recommend!

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