Voice Lessons & Audition Coaching
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How to Find Auditions

It can be challenging to know where to look for legitimate auditions, especially when you move to a new city or haven’t been performing for long/in a long time. There are a few tips and tricks I’ve picked up along my way in this industry and I’m thrilled to be sharing them!

First off, go online and search for local theater companies; read up on where they perform, past productions, and go see shows there if you can. Then sign up for all of the audition email lists you can - not every theater has one, but if they do, jump on it! These email lists are used to send out audition notices when new projects are being cast.

Now, for the theaters that do not have email lists, I simply set a reminder on my phone for every two weeks saying to check theaters X, Y, and Z for audition notices. They typically post these on their websites with an email address to send submissions to.

In addition to your own research, there is a website that is a huge audition/casting notice hub for film and theater actors as well as all different types of performers. This website is called Backstage and can be very useful in finding job opportunities. This website does require a yearly subscription, so if performing is a hobby rather than your full-time job, it may not be worth the $149 a year. The website does let you narrow your search parameters to location, age, gender, paid/non-paid, union/non-union, etc.

If these methods aren’t working for you, try the time-honored tradition of asking around. Talk to your friends about shows they’ve seen or been a part of, what theaters they have enjoyed working with, if they know of any auditions coming up. The best sources are those you trust and people whose judgment you respect.

If you have any other ways you find auditions or any questions about these, leave them in the comments! If you’re in the SoCal area I am always here to help you find auditions!