Voice Lessons & Audition Coaching
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5 Reasons to Work with an Audition Coach

  1. People see you differently than you see yourself. It may seem obvious, but you would be surprised how different you come across to people than you think. In a previous post, I mentioned how I had a skewed vision of myself and audition coaches as well as peers and professors taught me how I am seen more often. This is very common. It’s hard to pick a good audition song for yourself when you don’t know how yourself is viewed!

  2. Auditioning is a skill like any other; the more you do it, the easier it gets. The adage, “Practice makes perfect,” couldn’t be more true when it comes to auditioning. Granted, there will never be such thing as a truly perfect audition, but you can get pretty darn close. Auditioning is a very different skill than acting or singing in itself, so working with someone to hone that skill and practice auditioning is incredibly beneficial. Auditions can be scary and stressful, but if you have been through mock auditions and worked your pieces with another person, you will feel prepared and excited to show off the wonderful work you’ve done.

  3. Some bad habits are hard to find on your own. Everyone has bad habits that creep out when they sing or act, but they can be challenging to spot on your own. I used to hold my hands a funky way when I would sing and I NEVER noticed! The first audition coach I ever had pointed it out and asked why I was doing it…I had no clue; it was simply a bad, unconscious, nervous habit I had. As soon as it was pointed out, I couldn’t UNnotice! Others are always quicker to notice things like this, so why wait until you’re in an audition to have someone point it out?

  4. A coach can offer different perspectives. People come from different backgrounds, have had different experiences, and have gleaned all sorts of differing knowledge. An audition coach could give you insight into a monologue that you never would’ve thought of yourself. This helps to add depth to your piece. Coaches can help illuminate aspects of a song’s composition that maybe you hadn’t considered, they can help you connect with a song in a new way, and often they can make your piece more well-rounded and human.

  5. You get dedicated time to prep. As a child or adult, life get busy and forcing yourself to carve out time for an audition that seems lightyears away can be tricky. Booking a session with a coach gives you that time and allows you to focus 100% on your preparation. With solid preparation, you’ll have the confidence you need to rock your audition!

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