Voice Lessons & Audition Coaching
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Why Take Voice Lessons?

Often people, especially parents, want to know what voice lessons are for, what they do, how they help, etc. Well let me tell you! There are numerous benefits to taking voice lessons! Below is a list of 6 reasons to take voice lessons as a child or as an adult!

  1. Singing makes you happy. Seriously. Studies show that singing releases endorphins (the same chemicals you that give people a “runner’s high”), builds confidence, and increases overall psychological health. Take a look at more research here.

  2. Music Theory. Reading music is a skill the vast majority of people do not have. Taking voice lessons will help teach you or your child how to read music, analyze lyrics, hear chord progressions and so much more. In a one-on-one environment it is much easier to grasp some of the more complicated music theory concepts, as questions are welcomed and the learning can happen at the right pace for the student.

  3. Singing promotes language development. Being exposed to different pitches often and learning to tell the difference between them is typically referred to in the musical community as “ear-training.” However; the scientific term is “auditory discrimination” and it is what helps us humans learn language. As babies, we first learn to tell the difference is pitch and later learn the meanings of words - this is true as we grow and potentially try to learn another language. Every language has multitudes of inflections and shifts in sounds that reflect the true meaning of the speaker, but without the ability to physical hear the different sounds, you’re lost! Developing these skills through music can lead to a lifetime of success learning and understanding languages. For more on auditory discrimination, click here.

  4. Breathing. You think you know how to do it, but you don’t. When a person learns the kind of breath support and control singers use, they experience more oxygen to the brain (often leading to more energy). More oxygen and deep breathing not only helps with singing, but can helps with many issues like anxiety, stress management, and confidence. There is a reason people tell you to take deep breaths when you’re nervous - it calms you down! So singing for an hour in a lesson is not only mentally stimulating, but also a very calming experience.

  5. Music Appreciation. With understanding comes appreciation. You probably never understood why your mom used to cry tears of joy when she would come home and you had cleaned the house until you were a mom yourself, worked a 10 hour day, drove home dreading having to cook dinner, do the laundry, sweep, mop, and do the dishes only to find out your husband or child did all of those things for you - cue the joy. It’s the same with music! When you or your child learns the ins and outs of singing, they will grow to appreciate a gorgeous song, a brilliant chord progression, the vocal control of Sara Bareilles or Andrea Bocelli and so much more.

  6. .Public Speaking Confidence. Public speaking is one of the biggest fears among Americans today. Taking voice lessons makes public speaking seem like nothing! In a voice lesson, you are typically sitting face to face with your teacher, singing merely a few feet apart, singing directly at them; that is a weird, nerve-racking experience at first!! It can be terrifying to sit in front of an expert on singing and belt out a tune, so doing this on a weekly basis gets those nerves to go away really quickly! Soon, your child will be thrilled the next time they have to do a presentation in front of the class because the feeling of fear will have been replaced by a feeling of comfort and fun!